Issue - meetings

Quarter 1 2024/25 Key Performance Indicators - Planning Policy Committee

Meeting: 19/09/2024 - Planning Policy Committee (Item 107)

107 Quarter 1 2024/25 Key Performance Indicators - Planning Policy Committee pdf icon PDF 122 KB

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The Committee considered a report with key planning performance indicators for the first quarter of 2024/25 as collected by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). The KPI outturns were in line with MHCLG’s required performance levels for planning applications and demonstrated an upward trend in improvement in the delivery of the planning service. There were also continuous improvements in the reduction of backlogs. The number of applications allowed at appeal for both ‘major’ and ‘non-major’ applications were under the 10% at which intervention would be considered. These were reported with a 9 month lag.


Officers responded to Member questions by confirming that:


·         the timescales of the validation of applications had reduced. It was explained that deadlines were set where it was necessary for the applicant to submit additional information.


·         in terms of undetermined applications, the Planning Department were working to reduce the number of applications where no extension of time had been agreed. Various reasons existed as to why an extension of time might not have been agreed, such as waiting for legal agreements or technical reports.


R E S O L V E D – that the Quarter 1 2024 - 2025 performance indicators for the Planning Policy Committee be noted.