Agenda and minutes

Full Council - Thursday, 15th December, 2022 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted. View directions


No. Item


Minutes of the special Council meeting on the 20th October 2022 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

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These minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Minutes of the ordinary Council meeting on the 20th October 2022 pdf icon PDF 156 KB

Additional documents:


These minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record.


Chair's announcements

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(i)            Fundraising


The Chair gave thanks to everyone who came to her quiz night on Saturday 3rd December. The evening had been a great success with over £1,000 raised for her charities.


The Chair appealed to Councillors to support her ‘Jive Aces’ charity jazz concert at Caterham School on Wednesday, 15th February 2023 at 7.30pm. She also referred to her upcoming “Hello Spring” Ball in March 2023.



(ii)        Ex-Councillor Rod Stead


The Chair was sorry to announce that Rod Stead, a former well-known Caterham Councillor, had recently passed away. He served from 2010 to 2018, representing the Queens Park Ward. Members stood in silence for one minute as a mark of respect.


Questions submitted under Standing Order 30 pdf icon PDF 124 KB

i)              questions from residents and others working or studying in the District; and

ii)             questions from Councillors

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Questions had been submitted by Councillors Bloore and Cooper. Details of the questions and responses are attached at Appendix A.


Reports of committees pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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R E S O L V E D – that the reports of the following meetings be received, and the recommendations therein, be adopted:


            Community Services Committee – 10th November 2022


Housing Committee – 17th November 2022


            Planning Policy Committee – 24th November 2022


            Strategy & Resources Committee – 1st December 2022


            Audit & Scrutiny Committee – 6th December 2022


            Planning Committee – 8th December 2022


In accordance with Standing Order 13(3), Councillor Cooper wished it recorded that he abstained from voting on the reception of the report of the Housing Committee on the 17th November 2022.


Motion submitted by Councillor O'Driscoll under Standing Order 7

"This Council recognises that accessibility to playground equipment for everyone in our communities should be a right and not a luxury.


Furthermore, this Council recognises that an inequality exists where not everybody in our community is able to access playground equipment and will take steps to make sure this inequality no longer exists.


Therefore, this Council commits to providing playground equipment for those in our District with disabilities and long-term health conditions in locations agreed by members of the Community Services Committee at their next meeting and funding shall be made available to provide these facilities before March 2024."




Additional documents:


Councillor O’Driscoll introduced the following motion:


“This Council recognises that accessibility to playground equipment for everyone in our communities should be a right and not a luxury.


Furthermore, this Council recognises that an inequality exists where not everybody in our community is able to access playground equipment and will take steps to make sure this inequality no longer exists.


Therefore, this Council commits to providing playground equipment for those in our District with disabilities and long-term health conditions in locations agreed by members of the Community Services Committee at their next meeting and funding shall be made available to provide these facilities before March 2024"


The motion was seconded by Councillor Steeds.


Councillor Wren, seconded by Councillor O’Driscoll, proposed “that the matter be referred, without discussion, to the Community Services Committee at its next meeting for consideration and debate.”


Upon being put to a vote, this amendment was carried.


            R E S O L V E D – that the motion be referred to the Community Services Committee at its next meeting (17th January 2023) for consideration and debate.