Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted. View directions
No. | Item | ||||||||
To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting held on 19 October 2023 PDF 82 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record. |
Chair's Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: Fundraising and events
The Chair had held his Civic Day on Wednesday 22 November. He had been joined by Chairman and Majors from other local authorities in Surrey, the Vice Chair, several Honorary Aldermen, the Leader of the Council, the Chief Executive and a number of long serving Officers. Talks were held on the history of the Caterham Barracks Community Trust, local government financing and the Council’s House Building Programme. At the event, the Chair paid tribute to Honorary Alderman Robin Clements for over 50 years of public service.
The Chair referred to recent events he had attended including the Soper Hall Christmas Fair, the Warlingham Christmas Lights switch on, and the Council’s Staff Awards ceremony. He invited Members and the public to attend his band night at The Arc, Caterham on 27 January 2024, where Iron Tyger would be playing.
The Chair announced he had made a Christmas donation to East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service rather than sending Christmas cards. |
To deal with any questions submitted under Standing Order 30 PDF 90 KB (i) questions from residents and others working or studying in the District; and
(ii) questions from Councillors.
Questions must be sent via email or in writing to Democratic Services by 5pm on Tuesday 12 December 2023 and comply with all other aspects of Standing Order 30 of the Council’s Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: Questions had been submitted by Councillors O’Driscoll and Cooper. The questions and responses are attached at Appendix A. |
To receive and consider the reports of Committees PDF 142 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: R E S O L V E D – that the reports of the following meetings be received, and the recommendations therein be adopted:
Planning Committee – 2 November 2023
Standards Committee – 7 November 2023
Community Services Committee – 9 November 2023
Planning Policy Committee – 16 November 2023
Housing Committee – 23 November 2023
Audit & Scrutiny Committee – 28 November 2023
Strategy & Resources Committee – 30 November 2023
Minute 192 – Proposed New Shop Letting at Quadrant House
The Strategy & Resources Committee had recommended that the letting be approved subject to improvements to the service road being negotiated before final agreement to mitigate any traffic issues.
Councillor Cooper, supported by the requisite number of other Members as required by Standing Order 13(4), requested that the recommendation be the subject of a recorded vote. The result of the vote was as follows:
Councillors Allen, Black, Blackwell, Bloore, Crane, Damesick, Chris Farr, Sue Farr, Gillman, Langton, Montgomery, Pinard, Prew, Pursehouse, Sayer, Shiner, Colin White, Nicholas White and Wren (19)
Councillors Bilton, Botten, Chotai, Cooper, Evans, Gray, Groves, Alun Jones, Lee, North, O’Driscoll, Patel and Robinson (13)
Councillors Hammond, Moore and Windsor (3)