Venue: Council Offices, via Zoom
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: Chairman’s Charities 2019/20 and 2020/21
The Chairman thanked those who had helped raise £4,661.23 for both the Blanchman’s Farm and Lingfield Local Nature Reserves for 2019/20.
His chosen charities for 2020/21 were scouting organisations within the District and two local dog rescue sanctuaries. The Chairman’s first fundraising event of 2020/21 would be a sponsored walk from the southern to the northern boundary of Tandridge.
Future Council meetings
Following the recent presentation to Members by Ed Hammond (Centre for Public Scrutiny) regarding his governance review, the Chairman confirmed that he was open to the idea of changing the nature of future Council meetings. He asked Members to consider how the format of Council meetings could change while still enabling councillors to scrutinise decisions and make their views known.
Rashid Ali
The Chairman regretted to announce that Rashid Ali, who had worked as a Council Tax officer for Tandridge for over 20 years, passed away on the 13th May 2020 having contracted Covid-19. Rashid was a popular, loyal member of staff, now greatly missed. Members remained silent for one minute as a mark of respect.
Declarations of Interest All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:
(i) any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) and / or
(ii) other interests arising under the Code of Conduct in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at the meeting. Anyone with a DPI must, unless a dispensation has been granted, withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the relevant item of business. If in doubt, advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer or his staff prior to the meeting
Minutes: The following Councillors declared non-pecuniary interests in respect of Item 14 of the report of the 11th May 2020 Strategy & Resources Committee (“Freedom Leisure - financial support through the Covid 19 Emergency):
(i) Councillor Connolly (ii) Councillor Bloore (member and user of the de Stafford leisure centre) (iii) Councillor M. Cooper (his wife and daughter are members of Freedom Leisure) (iv) Councillor Morrow (user of the de Stafford leisure centre).
To confirm the minutes of the Council meeting on the 7th May 2020 PDF 1 MB Minutes: These minutes were confirmed as a correct record.
Questions submitted under Standing Order No. 29 (1.2) Minutes:
Councillor Allen asked the following questions:
“Can I please be advised why, despite many promises to do so, the Council have not received the promised advice in way of explanation to the Councillors, and in turn to the general public and council tax payers, about the events of the departure of the former CEO and Director of Place and Director of People?
What was the result of the audit undertaken by Southern Internal Audit Partnership?
And, furthermore, what procedures have been put in place to ensure that the financial mis management of that time have been thoroughly investigated and that lessons have been learnt and put in place?
Could it be confirmed that, after the investigations took place, there was no evidence of fraudulent behaviour?”
Can Members be advised why this matter has not been bought before Full Council before?
The Chairman invited Councillor Elias, as Chairman of the Strategy & Resources Committee, to respond. Councillor Elias duly responded as follows: “The Council has provided Members and the public with as much information as it is able to do so within the scope of the applicable law and in accordance with transparency requirements. Members will be mindful that these matters concern the personal data of third parties, as well as matters which are subject to confidentiality. We can state that the outcomes reached were demonstrably in the best interests of the Council, and that the Council has shared information in compliance with the common law need to know. The Council can state that there has been no formal finding of fraudulent behaviour. As Members will appreciate, these matters are subject to both confidentiality provisions and restrictions around data protection, and it is not therefore possible to discuss them more widely. The Council can state that the issues were nonetheless resolved in the best interests of the Council.
As Members will appreciate, not all matters are brought to full Council but to committees within the remit of the specific functions of those committees. The matters referred to have been brought before the Chief Officer Sub-Committee in accordance with the Council’s scheme of delegation and the constitution.”
Reports of Committees PDF 1 MB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED- that, subject to amendments and comments where indicated below, the reports of the following meetings be received, and the recommendations therein adopted:
· Strategy & Resources Committee (19th May 2020)
Upon moving the reception of this report, Councillor Elias advised that, in respect of Minute 11 /Resolution B, the Recovery Working Group would not, after all, be convened. The intended purpose of the Working Group had, instead, been fulfilled by Group Leader meetings.
· Planning Committee (28th May 2020)
· Community Services Committee (16th June 2020)
· Planning Policy Committee (23rd June 2020)
· Housing Committee (24th June 2020)
· Planning Committee (2nd July 2020)
· Strategy & Resources Committee (9th July 2020) – subject to the names of Councillors Allen, Morrow and Pursehouse being added to the list of those Members who were ‘also present’.
Regarding Minute 49 (amendments to the Constitution) Councillor Lee moved an amendment that clause (ix) of SO29, regarding responses to questions, be renumbered (xi) to make it applicable to both original and supplementary questions. This was seconded by Councillor Wren. Upon being put to the vote, the amendment was carried. |
Review of the allocation of committee seats PDF 563 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The allocation of committee seats to political groups was last reviewed following the May 2019 local elections. Although the May 2020 elections were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, a further review was necessary (Section 15(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989) arising from the combined impact of:
· the passing of ex-Councillor Harwood on 24th March 2020; and
· Councillor Jecks’ transfer from the Conservative Group to the Independent Group with effect from 1st June 2020.
A recommended reduction and reallocation of seats was presented following consultation with Group Leaders. Adoption of the recommendations was proposed by Councillor Elias and seconded by Councillor Sayer.
R E S O L V E D – that
A. the allocation of seats to the Council’s ordinary Committees for the remainder of 2020/21 be amended as follows:
B. for the remainder of 2020/21, the size of the Licensing Committee be increased from 10 to 12 members comprising:
· 4 Conservative councillors · 4 IND and OLRG councillors · 3 Liberal Democrat councillors · 1 Independent Group councillor; and
C. it be noted that, following consultation with Group Leaders, the consequential membership of Committees and Sub-Committee will be as per Appendix A.
Response to the County Council's proposals for a single Surrey unitary authority Minutes: The Chairman ruled that this matter be dealt with as urgent business, given the need for Members to agree initial action at the earliest opportunity in response to the County Council’s proposals for a Surrey-wide unitary authority.
The resolution below was moved by Councillor Sayer and seconded by Councillor Botten. Upon being but to vote, and following discussion, the motion was carried.
R E S O L V E D – that In the light of the moves by the County Council to propose a single unitary authority for Surrey, this Council recommends that the group leaders agree a letter to be sent to Robert Jenrick MP and that contacts are made immediately with other East Surrey authorities (Reigate and Banstead/Epsom and Ewell/Mole Valley) to gain their support for a joint approach over this matter. It also recommends that an all member seminar is held urgently on this issue.