Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted. View directions
Contact: Barry Gilham
No. | Item |
Declarations of interest All Members present are required to declare, at this point in the meeting or as soon as possible thereafter:
(i) any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPIs) and / or
(ii) other interests arising under the Code of Conduct
in respect of any item(s) of business being considered at the meeting. Anyone with a DPI must, unless a dispensation has been granted, withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the relevant item of business. If in doubt, advice should be sought from the Monitoring Officer or her staff prior to the meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Gray declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4.6 (minute number 161) on the basis that he neighboured the application site. He informed the committee that he would leave the Council Chamber and not take part in the debate. |
Minutes from the meeting held on the 3rd October 2024 PDF 101 KB To confirm as a correct record. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting were confrmed and signed by the Chair. |
2023/486 - Reservoir, North Park Lane, Godstone, Surrey, RH9 8ND PDF 201 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application for the variation of conditions for the use of the Reservoir, North Park Lane, Godstone, Surrey, RH9 8ND. The conditions to be considered for variation were condition 3 (use of site) and condition 8 (operating hours) of planning permission reference 2016/558.
The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to conditions.
During the course of the debate, the Committee agreed that the inclusion of a proposed condition relating to the requirement for the applicant to submit details for the installation of an acoustic fence at the site would not be required and agreed to vote on Recommendation A contained in the officer report.
R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions. |
2024/412 - Hillbury Cottage, 246 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TP PDF 830 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application for the variation of Condition 2 (Plans), Condition 5 (arboricultural details) and Condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping information) of planning permission reference 2017/1563. Planning application 2017/1563 related to the demolition of a garage and shed, the erection of a garage to serve the existing dwelling and the erection of two further dwellings and garages with an associated access road, amenity and parking. The current application also sought to revise the design of Plot C (Additional plans and change of description).
The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to condition.
Ms Susan Whyte, an objector, spoke against the application on behalf of Mr Howard Appleton.
Mr Domonic Lamb, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.
Following the debate, Councillor Prew proposed the following motion for refusal:
The proposal, due to the increase in bulk and massing of the built form on Plot C bringing it closer to the northeastern boundary at first floor and second floor level, would result in an overbearing impact detrimental to the occupiers of No 12 Hillbury Gardens, contrary to CSP18 of the Tandridge District Core Strategy 2008, DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2: Detailed Policies 2014 and policies in the NPPF.
The motions was seconded by Councillor Chris Farr. On being put to the vote, the motion was lost.
R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions. |
2024/824 - Gresham Place, 9 Portley Wood Road, Whyteleafe CR3 0BQ PDF 147 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application for the erection of extensions at the ground, first and loft levels of the property together with new car parking and drive arrangements.
The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to conditions.
Mr Simon Waller, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.
During the course of the debate, it was suggested by Councillors that a site visit would benefit the committee to gain an understanding of the size of the development. In addition, it had not been possible to visit the site as it was on a private road. A motion for deferral for a site visit was proposed by Councillor Gray and was seconded by Councillor Lockwood. On being put to the vote the motion was carried.
R E S O L V E D – that the application be deferred for a site visit. |
Tree Preservation Order No.4, 2024 - 71 Lincolns Mead, Lingfield, RH7 6TA PDF 708 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on whether to confirm or otherwise a Tree Preservation Order at 71 Lincoln’s Mead, Lingfield.
The Officer recommendation was to confirm the Tree Preservation Order.
Mr Chris Dix, an objector, spoke against the confirmation of the order.
Mr James Baldwin spoke in favour of the confirmation of the order.
R E S O L V E D – that Tree Preservation Order No.4 2024 be confirmed as made. |
2024/801 - 88 Edinburgh House, 70 to 100 Stafford Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6JD PDF 110 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application for the construction of a platform and access ramp with handrail to the property along with a replacement window with a door and a new window.
The Officer recommendation was to approved subject to conditions.
R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions.
At this point of the meeting, Councillor Gray left the Council Chamber before the final agenda was debated in line with his declaration of interest (minute number 154). |
2023/1490 - Pelham House, 54 Harestone Valley Road, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 6HE PDF 159 KB Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered an application for the demolition of the existing flats on the site and to construct two one-bedroom flats, two two-bedroom flats, and six three-bedroom houses, all with associated parking and amenity space.
The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to conditions.
Nicola Cresswell spoke in favour of the application on behalf of the applicant.
R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted, subject to conditions. |