Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Thursday, 3rd October, 2024 7.30 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Station Road East, Oxted. View directions

Contact: Barry Gilham 


No. Item


Minutes from the meeting held on the 5th September 2024 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

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The minutes of the meeting were confirmed and signed by the Chair.


2023/375 - 3 Stuart Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9JH pdf icon PDF 517 KB

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The committee considered an outline application regarding access, appearance, layout and scale relating to the demolition of an existing dwelling and the erection of two blocks containing a total of 14 apartments with access from a neighbouring property, Edgehill.


The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to conditions.


Councillor Simon Morrow of Warlingham Parish Council spoke against the application.


Mr Spencer Copping, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.


Following the debate, Councillor Gray proposed the following motions for refusal:


1.    The proposed development by virtue of its scale and form, would result in a cramped appearance and visually prominent development which is out of keeping and would not reflect the character of Stuart Road or its street scene.  The proposal would therefore be harmful to the character of the area. The proposal is contrary to the requirements of Policy DP7 and DP8 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 – Detailed Policies (2014), Policy CSP18 of the Core Strategy (2008) and Policy CCW4 of the Caterham, Chaldon and Whyteleafe Neighbourhood Plan (2021).


2.    The proposed development would fail to provide sufficient usable amenity space and therefore would not provide an adequate standard of residential amenity for the future occupants. The proposal would therefore be contrary to the requirements of Policy DP7 of the Tandridge Local Plan Part 2 – Detailed Policies (2014) and Policy CSP18 of the Core Strategy (2008).


The motions were seconded by Councillor Chotai.  On being put to the vote, the motions were carried.


R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be refused.


2024/412 - Hillbury Cottage, 246 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TP pdf icon PDF 828 KB

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The committee considered an application for the variation of Condition 2 (Plans), Condition 5 (arboricultural details) and Condition 6 (hard and soft landscaping information) of planning permission reference 2017/1563. Planning application 2017/1563 related to the demolition of a garage and shed, the erection of a garage to serve the existing dwelling and the erection of two further dwellings and garages with  an associated access road, amenity and parking. The current application also sought to revise the design of Plot C (Additional plans and change of description).


The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to condition.


Ms Susan Whyte, an objector, spoke against the application on behalf of Mr Howard Appleton.


Mr Domonic Lamb, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.


During the debate, it was suggested by councillors that a site visit would benefit the committee in order to gain an understanding of the size of the buildings and their distance from neighbouring properties. A motion for deferral for a site visit was proposed by Councillor Chotai and was seconded by Councillor Steeds.  On being put to the vote the motion was carried.


R E S O L V E D – that the application be deferred for a site visit.


2023/482 - Land South of Crawley Down Road, Felbridge pdf icon PDF 2 MB

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The committee considered an application for the demolition of existing structures and the erection of 200 1, 2, 3 and 4-bedroom homes, with new vehicular accesses via Crawley Down Road together with associated car parking, open space and landscaping. 


The development proposal included land which crossed the boundary between Mid Sussex District Council and Tandridge District Council. Mid Sussex District Council had approved the corresponding application under application reference DM/23/0810.


Only 0.03 hectares of the site was in the Tandridge District, which included former 71 Crawley Down Road. The application focused on the proposed works within the Tandridge District as well as any impacts of the adjacent development on Tandridge, its residents and the Surrey highway network.


The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to conditions, following the completion of an appropriate Section 106 legal agreement to secure financial contributions towards off-site highways and social infrastructure improvements.


Ms Claire Boughton-Tucker, an objector, spoke against the application.


Councillor Jeremy Clarke of Felbridge Parish Council spoke against the application.


Mr Philip Alli, the applicant’s agent, spoke in favour of the application.


Following the public speakers, Councillor Lesley Steeds declared a non-pecuniary interest in the application as she was the Surrey County Councillor for the Lingfield Division and the Dormansland and Felbridge District Councillor.  The application fell within both of these electoral areas.


During the debate, specific advice on the position of Surrey Highways was presented by Mr James Lehane.


R E S O L V E D – that planning permission was approved, subject to conditions, following the completion of an appropriate Section 106 legal agreement to secure financial contributions towards off-site highways and social infrastructure improvements.


2024/483 - Sports Pavilion, Mill Lane Playing Field, Mill Lane, Hurst Green, Surrey, RH8 9DF pdf icon PDF 106 KB

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The committee considered an application for the installation of 6 metre (20 foot) shipping container for storage of field maintenance and sports equipment.


The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to condition.


R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted.



2022/1475 - 52 Featherstone, Blindley Heath, Lingfield, Surrey, RH7 6JY pdf icon PDF 428 KB

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The committee considered an application for the demolition of an existing garage structure and the division of the site to create two plots and the erection of a detached 4-bed dwelling.


The Officer recommendation was to approve, subject to condition.


R E S O L V E D – that planning permission be granted.



Recent appeal decisions received

To receive a verbal update from officers relating to appeal decisions by the Planning Inspectorate resulting from previous committee decisions.

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TA/2023/1481 - 13 Matlock Road, Caterham, CR3 5HP.  The application was refused by the Planning Committee on 6 June 2024.  The appeal was allowed 10 September 2024 (Appeal Reference: APP/M3645/D/24/3347320).  A partial award of costs had also been made against the council.


TA/ 2022/1666 - The Warren, Church Road, Woldingham, Caterham, Surrey, CR3 7JH.  The application was refused under delegated authority on 15 November 2023.  The appeal was dismissed on 10 September 2024 (Appeal Reference: APP/M3645/W/24/3337750).