Agenda and minutes

Chief Officer Sub Committee - Thursday, 22nd October, 2020 2.30 pm

No. Item


Election of Chair


Councillors Elias and Sayer were nominated (by Councillors Milton and Botten respectively). Upon being put to a vote, Councillor Sayer was elected Chair.



Appointment of Interim Chief Executive / Head of Paid Service Arrangements


It was resolved that this matter be dealt with in ‘Part 2’ as it disclosed exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (information relating to an individual).


            R E S O L V E D that the recommendations within the report be adopted, i.e.:


A.         the role of the Head of Paid Service be delegated to the Executive Head of Corporate Resources from Monday, 26th October 2020 until an interim or permanent member of staff is engaged into the Chief Executive post;


B.         the Executive Head of Corporate Resources be asked to:


(i)         commence work with the LGA from Friday, October 23rd to broker conversations with other local authorities with a view to providing interim cover on a shared service arrangement until a permanent replacement can be recruited and that any such proposals are brought back to the Sub-Committee for a decision as to whether or not to pursue further interviews with interims;


(ii)        collate and shortlist a selection of suitable candidates for both the interim and permanent appointments through the LGA, PENNA and SOLACE;


(iii)       prepare a recruitment framework for the interim appointment, including timeline and a set of interview questions (the LGA had offered to provide a technical assessor to sit on the panel to assist Sub-Committee members at no cost to the Council); and


(iv)      ensure full costings are prepared for each option.