Agenda item

Reports of committees


R E S O L V E D that the reports of the following meetings be received, and the recommendations therein be adopted:


          Planning Committee - 9th December 2021



          Planning Policy Committee - 5th January 2022



          Strategy & Resources Committee - 11th January 2022



          Planning Committee - 13th January 2022



          Community Services Committee - 18th January 2022



          Planning Policy Committee - 20th January 2022



          Housing Committee - 25th January 2022



          Audit & Scrutiny Committee - 27th January 2022 (including the acceptance of PSAA’s invitation to opt into the sector-led option for the appointment of external auditors for five financial years from 1st April 2023 – the Council was advised that this should have been presented as a recommendation from the Audit &Scrutiny Committee as opposed to a resolved item)



          Strategy & Resources Committee - 1st February 2022


              Minute 257 – 2022/23 final budget and 2023/24 Medium Term Financial Strategy


Recommendations A to M had been supplemented by an additional recommendation N, published earlier in the day, to enable the Council to set its budget and Council Tax requirements in the statutory format. The additional recommendation N was presented in light of the Council Tax precepts recently determined by Surrey County Council and the Surrey Police & Crime Commissioner.   





Councillor Steeds, seconded by Councillor Ridge, moved the following amendment to Recommendation H (additional words shown in italics):


       the final budget envelopes for each Committee for 2022/23 as at tranche 1 (Appendices I and J) be approved, subject to additional Tranche 3 savings of £3k, held in corporate items, to be identified in order to offset a reduced increase in plot fees for the Meadowside mobile homes park from 4.1% to 2%


In accordance with Standing Order 13(4) Councillor Steeds requested that the above amendment be the subject of a recorded vote. This was supported by the requisite number of Councillors under Standing Order 13(4). The result of the vote was:




                        Councillors Black, Bloore, Duck, Elias, Gaffney, Groves, Hammond, Mansfield,                             Morrow, O’Driscoll, Prew, Ridge and Steeds (13)




                        Councillors Allen, Blackwell, Bourne, Crane, Davies, Farr, Gillman, Langton,                                 Lockwood, Moore, Mills, Pursehouse, Sayer, Shiner, Stamp, Swann, C.White,                              and N.White (18)               




                        Councillors Botten, Caulcott and Lee (3)



              The proposed amendment to recommendation H was therefore lost.


Recommendations A to N, as per the original recommendations A to M in Minute 257, plus the additional recommendation N as referred to above, were the subject of a single recorded vote in accordance with Standing Order 13(5). The result of the vote was:




                        Councillors Black, Blackwell, Bloore, Botton, Bourne, Caulcott, Crane, Davies, Duck, Elias, Farr, Gaffney, Gillman, Groves, Hammond, Langton, Lee, Lockwood, Mansfield, Moore, Morrow, Mills, Prew, Pursehouse, Ridge, Sayer, Shiner, Stamp, Steeds, Swann, C.White and N.White (32).




                        Councillor Allen (1).               



Supporting documents: