Agenda item

Finance Transformation Programme Update - June 2022


The Chief Finance Officer presented a report on the closure process being followed for the Tandridge Finance Transformation (“TFT”) programme which was due to complete at the end of June 2022.


The key objectives of the closure process were to identify:


  • what the programme has achieved, including key deliverables, achievements and benefits that have been delivered


  • activities and deliverables that have not been completed and ensure that these are assigned ownership


  • activities and deliverables that will form part of a service improvement plan at the close of the programme.


A background summary of the TFT programme was provided and details given on the four key workstreams (these being ‘New Finance Model’, ‘Organisational Development’, ‘Deliver the Budget’ and ‘Exchequer Transformation’) their objectives and how their scopes had changed.


It was noted that the ‘Deliver the Budget’ workstream changed most over the course of the programme.  Initially, the workstream was set up to ensure the 2022/23 budget was delivered and balanced and activities introduced to improvement the process.  However, due primarily to a pensions error being identified in Summer 2021, the level of activity in the workstream had increased significantly.


It was emphasised that the closure of the programme did not draw a line under the need for continuous improvement.  Members were advised that the appendices to the report set out the requirements for the council as a whole to continue to improve.  The report concluded that the TFT programme was successful and was a key element of improving the Council’s overall financial management. It was noted that the report highlighted lessons to be learnt and improvements still to be made.


The Committee was informed that an application had submitted on behalf of Tandridge District Council and Surrey County Council to the CIPFA Public Finance Awards in the category of Aligned Public Service Delivery to recognise the success of the TFT Programme. 


It was confirmed that annual update reports would come to the Committee as requested by the Member Reference Group who oversaw and shaped the transformation plan and that the joint working arrangement would still be in place after the closure of the programme.


The Committee commended the Chief Finance Officer and his team on the report and the success of the TFT programme and was of the view that the current positive financial position of the Council was as a direct result of the programme.  The Chair personally thanked the Chief Finance Officer and his team for improving the financial position of the Council for the benefit of its residents.


Councillor Allen proposed that an annual update be submitted to the Committee by the Chief Finance Officer. Councillor Gillman also proposed that the Finance Team be congratulated on delivering the TFT programme. Both motions were seconded by Councillor O’Driscoll and agreed by the Committee.


R E S O L V E D – that the Committee:


A.    approves the closure of the Tandridge Finance Transformation programme, achievements to date and next steps;


B.    requests that an update report be submitted to the Committee annually by the Chief Finance Officer;


C.   formally congratulates the Finance Team on delivering the Tandridge Finance Transformation programme.



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