Agenda item

Future Tandridge Programme Update - June 2022


The Chief Finance Officer presented a report on the current status of the Future Tandridge Programme (“FTP”).  The aims of the FTP are to:


  • transform the operating model for the council;


  • create a smaller, more strategic, agile and responsive organisation with resources targeted at council priorities and where need is greatest;


  • develop a more business-like approach to the way the council operates; and


  • tackle the financial challenges faced by the council going forward.


The report set out the key areas of focus of the current service reviews and common themes emerging from them. The first wave of service reviews focused on support services and the need to add value to the front line services they underpin and to become more automatic and less onerous.


The report set out the intention to move towards an intention to become a ‘Commissioning Council’.  This meant that the Council would move to an approach where it focused on the needs of residents and how services meet those requirements, the quality and level of service and understanding the Council’s involvement in delivering the services and establishing the best delivery model for achieving the required outcomes.


Key focus areas for each of the services under current review where included in the report. The next steps for the reviews where to deliver tactical savings in 2022/23 as agreed at the last meeting of the Strategy & Recourses Committee and to bring further reports to the policy committees in September to set out the future direction for the provision of the services under review.


During the debate, the Committee suggested that each of the service reviews should clearly reference risk management. In doing so, this would add value and incorporate the lessons learnt from the internal audit process. It was also noted that:


·           feedback would be given following the September policy reports in response to the Committee’s suggestion that the Council replace Housing Associations as the direct landlord for council tenants;


·           as part of the transformation programme, the Council will consider the suggestion that Parish Councils could take on services such as playgrounds and maintenance of parks and open spaces but noted that the size and structure of particular Parish Councils may limit implementation;


·           staff morale was a concern of Management Team and appreciated that service reviews are difficult for staff and this be addressed where possible – the Council was communicating with staff at each stage of the process so they were aware of what is happening and were able to feedback and shape the programme;


·           the Council does not consistently use CIL funding to deliver the infrastructure it requires and should review this when considering the transition to becoming a commissioning council.


·           the new management structure will be available to Councillors and staff once imminent appointments have been completed. 


·           each area involved in the current service reviews will shortly be considering next steps and prioritising the proposed key lines of enquiry. Councillors will be informed of the outcome of the process once completed.


R E S O L V E D – that the Committee note the progress to date in delivering the Future Tandridge Programme.




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