Agenda item

2022/267 - Former Shelton Sports Club, Shelton Avenue and land adjacent to 267 Hillbury Road, Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9TL


The committee considered an application for outline planning permission, with all matters reserved except access, for a residential development of 150 dwellings including 45% affordable housing, with vehicular access from Hillbury Road with provision of public open space and associated ancillary works.


The officer recommendation was to approve subject to conditions.


Elizabeth Wallace, an objector, spoke against the application.


A recording of representations from Councillor Cindy Steer of Warlingham Parish Council speaking against the application, was replayed to the Committee.


Billy Clements, representing the applicant, spoke in favour of the application.


Councillor Prew proposed that the application be deferred on the basis of the lack of clarity of the ownership of Shelton Close and therefore the Council's ability to implement the Condition 4 or secure the S106 agreement, such that parking restrictions are provided for Shelton Close.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Chotai.  Upon being put to vote, the motion was lost.


Councillor Prew also proposed the following three motions for refusal:


1.    The proposed development of 150 dwellings would constitute overdevelopment of the site, the emerging Tandridge Local Plan evidence for HSG 15 gave an estimated site yield of 110 dwellings for that site, this application seeks to increase the number of dwellings by 36% over and above the Council's yield estimation which would constitute an overdevelopment of the site.  The proposed development is therefore contrary to CSP 18 of the Tandridge Local Plan, Core Strategy 2008 and Tandridge Local Plan, Part 2 DP 7, which defines the framework for the character and design of density.


The motion was seconded by Councillor Chotai.  Upon being put to the vote the motion was lost.


2.    The proposed development of 150 dwellings, would have a severe cumulative impact on the capacity of the local road network. The junction of Hillbury Road, Westhall Road and the A22 Whyteleafe Hillbury Road roundabout junction regularly suffers severe congestion at peak times. The additional vehicle movements generated by the 150 dwellings will result in increased congestion and present a road safety highway issue.


The motion was not seconded and therefore did not proceed to a vote.


3.    The proposed location of the replacement pitches on land that lies to the north-west of the development and would abut the designated ancient woodland of Tithepit Shaw, causing harm to that woodland by failing to protect a valuable environment. The proposed development is therefore contrary to CSP 18 of the Tandridge Local Plan, Core Strategy 2008 and Tandridge Local Plan, Part 2 Detailed Policy DP7, 2014.


The motion was not seconded and therefore did not proceed to a vote.


R E S O L V E D – that the application be permitted subject to conditions and:


1.    The application being referred to the Secretary of State under the terms of the Town and Country Planning (Consultation) (England) Direction 2021; and the application then not being called-in by the Secretary of State for determination; and


2.    The completion of a Section 106 agreement to secure the following matters:


A.    The delivery of 45% of the approved dwellings as affordable housing (up to 67 dwellings). The mix and tenure of Affordable Housing will be in line with the table below:


Unit Type & Size

Shared Ownership

Affordable Rent

Discount Market Sale


3 bed house





2 bed house





2 bed flat





1 bed flat











B.    The provision of On-Site Open Space, in broad accordance with the Illustrative Masterplan submitted with the outline application, and the appropriate use and management thereof for the lifetime of the development.


C.   To secure the provision of a Play Area within the Development.


D.   The enhancement of off-site sporting facilities including the transfer of the Off-Site Sports Pitch Land to Warlingham Rugby Football Club, financial contributions towards local sports facilities of £500,000 (five hundred thousand pounds) towards the laying out of the Off-Site Sports Pitch Land and/or the improvement of existing pitches and facilities at Warlingham Rugby Football Club and £150,000 (one hundred and fifty thousand pounds) towards the provision of an Artificial Grass Pitch or Multisport surface games area at Warlingham Sports Club, or such other improvements at Warlingham Sports Club


E.    To secure the carrying out of the Enhancement Strategy, maintenance and management of Off-Site Biodiversity Land in accordance with the report by LC Ecological Services (dated 30 October 2023)


F.    To secure the provision for the reimbursement of reasonable fees incurred by the County Council in drafting, promoting, consulting upon and implementing a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) in respect of proposed parking restrictions on Shelton Close


G.   To secure the provision of 2No. bus stops on Westhall Road (as indicated on drawing 2006038-07) through an agreement under Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended)


H.   To secure the submission and approval of a Final Travel Plan for the Development and reasonable Travel Plan Monitoring Fee, payable to the County Council.

Supporting documents: