An analysis of expenditure against the Committee’s revenue budget for 2024/25, as at the end of September 2024 (Quarter 2/Month 6) was presented. The approved budget had been set at £1,817k and had been increased by £83k to distribute an amount held corporately for the 2024/25 pay award. The total budget was therefore £1,900k.
A full year overspend of £158k was forecast. This was a movement of £192k from Quarter 1 and predominantly related to a drop in expected planning application fees. This would be subject to continued monitoring throughout the rest of the year.
Several risk and opportunities were being managed within the budget including spending on planning appeals. It was expected there was sufficient contingency to manage these risks.
Across the whole Council, there was a full year forecast surplus of £165k.
Regarding the Committee’s capital programme (entirely funded by Community Infrastructure Levy income), the total budget was set for £1,801k. Slippage of £282k was expected due to delays experienced by projects linked with match funding.
In response to Member questions, Officers explained:
· successful recruitment in Development Management meant there was less reliance on interim staff. Two new Officers had been appointed in Planning Enforcement, and they’d be supported by more senior Officers. Permanent recruitment to Planning Policy was challenging. This work continued to be covered by interim staff.
· in terms of planning incursions, the Council’s planning enforcement contractor was dealing with 16 cases. It was expected that several of the most complex cases would be handled by another contractor. Members expressed the view that an interim policy on Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Showpeople Sites would assist with planning appeals.
R E S O L V E D – that the Committee’s Revenue and Capital budget forecast positions as at Quarter 2 / Month 6 (September) 2024/25 be noted.